Management Team
Tony Rompotis
Managing Director
Tony founded AWI in 1986. As the managing director, Tony is responsible for AWI’s daily operations, as well as leading the company’s growth and development. The company has grown from just a handful of investigators to a successful and well-respected investigation company. AWI benefits from Tony’s extensive experience in investigations. He has conducted and managed investigations for the insurance industry, local, state and federal government departments, the legal profession and the corporate sector. Tony’s commitment to quality management, continual improvement and professional development of staff and investigators has established AWI as one of the leading investigating companies in WA. He also has the trust and respect of AWI clients. Tony is responsible for AWI’s factual department and personally handles quality control audits. He holds Certificate IV Government Investigations and Certificate IV Government Fraud Control.
Gloria Rompotis
Surveillance Manager
Gloria joined AWI in 1998 with extensive management experience, having held senior management positions in the engineering the manufacturing industries for over 20 years. As AWI’s Surveillance Manager, Gloria oversees daily surveillance activities and is responsible for quality control and is our client’s point of contact for all files. After sixteen years, she has an instinctive understanding of clients’ objectives and plans investigations to meet and exceed clients’ highest expectations. Her portfolio of investigations can involve anything from ten hours of surveillance to more complex cases that require up to five weeks of continuous surveillance. These investigations can vary from personal injury insurance claims to fraud and theft for major corporations and Government. Gloria is also a member of the product development team at AWI, runs the staff training program and ensures adherence to the company’s quality management system. She holds Certificate IV in Government Investigation.
Jodie Briggs
Office Manager
Jodie manages the administration department with efficiency and an eye for detail. Jodie has been with AWI for over twenty years and has an extensive knowledge of AWI operations, both in the factual and surveillance departments. Jodie’s works closely with the directors and investigators to ensure that AWI provide the best possible service to the company’s wide range of clients.